In a survey posed to higher education IT leaders and universities across North America, we asked about how COVID-19 has affected software delivery priorities, outcomes, and criteria for implementing new technologies.

COVID-19 has incited a major paradigm shift for the entire world, regardless of industry, country, and countless other criteria. There are few areas that have been as heavily affected as Higher Education IT, both in terms of how usual services have been affected and in terms of the consequences of not doing something to account for the disruption of the global pandemic of 2020.

The entire playing field of software delivery has changed. Delivery concepts that were previously seen as 'nice-to-haves' or end goals have become necessary in order to continue to deliver university software and ensure student retention and success don't see a decline. Programs such as BYOD, virtual labs, open-access learning areas, and online, distance learning have become essential for universities to avoid decreased enrollment and, by extension, revenue.

Not only have program priorities changed for Higher Ed IT, so too have preferences when it comes to deployment options. Universities have expressed a desire for solutions that are quicker to implement, can be scaled or decreased as needed, and require little or no upfront investment.

You can view the survey result in infographic form below, or alternatively download an image or PDF of the infographic in the panel to the right (above on mobile). Keep your eyes on our Resource Center for a full report and breakdown of the results, plus many more valuable and free resources on all things software delivery, student experience, and higher education IT...

Read the full report here >

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HEIT Priorities Infographic

Higher Ed ITR priorities 2021

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